Sugar Friendship: Definition & Is It Possible to Be in One?

Last Updated: February 6, 2025

Want a platonic relationship with a sugar daddy who will treat you well in exchange for your winning personality? It may sound too good to be true but sugar friendships do exist! In this article, we’ll talk about what they are and how you can find one for yourself.

Understanding the Concept of Sugar Friendship

A sugar friendship is a form of platonic sugar relationship in which there is no physical intimacy. Instead, the sugar daddy genuinely enjoys the company of a friend who may have the same interests or hobbies.

How Sugar Friendships Differ from Sugar Dating

There are many similarities between sugar friendships and sugar dating, such as:

  • Establishment of the terms of the relationship to cut down on gray areas or disappointment.
  • A commitment by each partner to engage in displays of care and activities that make the other person feel special and satisfied.
  • Clear boundaries that allow each partner to live a full, independent life outside of the sugar friendship.

The big difference between friendships and relationships within the sugar world is the element of intimacy. There is no physical intimacy in sugar friendship and there may also be limits on emotional intimacy as well.

The Dynamics of a Non-Romantic, Mutually Beneficial Relationship


As with any form of sugar relationship, the dynamics of a sugar relationship are entirely dependent on what each partner is willing to offer and receive as a part of the agreement. This may look like:

  • A sugar baby who attends high-profile events with their sugar daddy as a way to provide emotional support or enhance their sugar daddy’s social status.
  • A sugar daddy who wants a friend to do a specific hobby that requires or is better with a partner, such as dancing lessons, scuba diving, wine tasting, hiking, etc.
  • Sugar partners who stimulate each other mentally, either by playing chess together, watching films, or having philosophical discussions.

Common Motivations for Entering a Sugar Friendship

A sugar daddy may be motivated to find a friend in the sugaring community for many reasons. They may not, for instance, have much free time to find friends the old-fashioned way. Opting to use a sugar dating platform can streamline the process and connect them with willing adults in their area.

They may also want more of an established and reliable friendship than a traditional one. When someone has agreed to a sugar friendship, they’re less likely to cancel at the last minute or prioritize other areas of their life over shared plans.

The list of potential positives of finding a sugar friend as a sugar baby is also quite long! This can be the chance to enjoy the high life, meet high-powered people, and generally feel pampered and valued without navigating the sometimes tricky side of physical intimacy.

Setting Boundaries and Expectations in a Sugar Friendship

Good boundary setting is a must for any kind of sugar relationship, friendships included! Here are a few common boundaries that should be discussed when establishing this kind of connection:

  • How often you’ll see each other?
  • How frequently communication should be between in-person meetings?
  • What kind of friend dates you’ll have?
  • What you should do if one of you needs to reschedule.
  • How much time in advance should you notify the other person that you need to reschedule?
  • What you should do in the case that one of you develops feelings for the other.

· In addition, there are a few expectations that you should talk about such as:

  • The level of emotional support you expect from one another.
  • Whether there are specific ways that you can foster the friendship, whether that includes gift-giving, calling after a big work meeting, and more.

Challenges and Misconceptions Surrounding Sugar Friendships

One of the biggest misconceptions around sugar friendships is, of course, that they don’t exist. Because of the skepticism around this kind of relationship, many people are embarrassed or discouraged from even seeking one out. But the fact is, sugar friendships do exist and everyone in the sugaring community should be empowered to search for one.

Another misconception is that sugar friendships are “easier” than sugar relationships. This is untrue for a variety of reasons. On the one hand, a friendship requires many of the same elements as a relationship, such as time management, active scheduling, good communication, care, remembering details, gift-giving, showing up on time to friend dates, and apologizing when necessary. In order for a sugar friendship to work, you also need to make sure that there is genuine chemistry between the two of you and that you enjoy each other’s company.

Finally, there’s a misconception that one person in the friendship will always be left wanting more. In reality, if both people have been honest about their desires and expectations in the friendship, there’s no reason to believe that anyone will be pining away for the other person. Indeed, if they wanted a romantic or physical relationship, they could have pursued one in the first place. That being said, sometimes feelings do change, and one of the challenges of being in a sugar friendship is learning how to navigate the possibility of one person developing feelings for the other.

Real-Life Examples of Sugar Friendships

Even though many people doubt the existence of sugar friendships, a look at celebrities shows how they can form naturally in real life! Take a look at these famous folks who are friends with so-called normal people!

  • Kendall Jenner and Fai Khadra
  • Chris Evans and Tara Testa
  • Rihanna and Melissa Forde

What all of these sweet friendships have in common is that they are between people of very different social statuses and wealth. But, because friendship is so valuable, these celebrities are happy to share their resources and invite their non-celebrity friends to elite events like the Oscars, sporting events, galas, and more.

How to Establish and Maintain a Successful Sugar Friendship


So, how can you find your very own sugar bestie and start scheduling quality time together? Here are a few steps to get started:

  • Find the right sugar dating platform. The easiest way to find a sugar friend is to use sugar dating apps and websites. Make sure to avoid platforms that cater specifically to physical hook-ups and casual flings so that you’ll have a better chance of landing a friend.
  • Make it clear that you’re looking for a platonic friendship. Use specific terminology like “friendship,” “platonic” and “non-physical” so that there’s no confusion when you start chatting with potential matches.
  • Be specific about your friendship strengths. Do you make the perfect plus-one for high-powered events because of your fashionista lifestyle and quick wit? Are you available for late-night chatting sessions when your lonely sugar daddy is on the road? Be clear about what you bring to a friendship.
  • Once you start friend dating, check in often to make sure you and your sugar daddy are happy. Good communication is essential for any successful sugar relationship, so make sure to ask your friend often whether they feel you’re meeting their expectations. And, don’t forget to ask yourself whether the sugar friendship is providing you with what you were promised, too!

Is a Sugar Friendship Right for You? Pros and Cons to Consider

Now that you know more about sugar friendships, could you see yourself palling around with a sugar daddy or sugar baby of your own? Keep these pros and cons in mind while you make your decision:

  • Pro: Removes the pressure that sometimes comes with physical intimacy.
  • Con: Certainly not as effortless as some people make it seem.
  • Pro: Can make life more enjoyable!
  • Con: Because of the misconception that sugar friendships don’t exist, it may take you longer to find your perfect match.
  • Pro: It can help you develop your social skills for other relationships in your life!

So, are you ready to start fostering friendships in the sugaring community? Your sugar friend is waiting for you to take the leap!