Is it natural to be nervous in the beginning?

Last Updated: February 6, 2025

It’s perfectly natural and understandable to be nervous in any new situation.  I still get a little anxious before meeting a potential sugar daddy, since there’s the pressure of a first impression, a new relationship, and the possibility of where the new relationship can take you in the future. 

At the same time, I’ve found it useful to reframe all the worries into hopeful possibilities.  For instance, rather than worrying about what you and a potential sugar daddy might talk about on a first date, go ahead and think about all the things you’d like to talk about on a first date.  Why not make a list?  If you’ve already thought about what you’d like to talk about with your potential sugar daddy, it’s guaranteed to make for a smoother conversation when you do finally meet up for the first time.  I’ve always found that planning ahead makes me far less nervous, so think about what outfits you want to wear, topics you want to talk about, and questions you want to ask him.  Sugaring should be fun!

Still, I think the nervous feelings you’re talking about are the same ones I get in any new situation.  I know I tend to feel the same way on the first day of class.  That first day, much like a first date, is where you really get to know what the other has to offer; it’s where expectations on both ends are laid out, and in the end, you have to decide whether you want to come back again.  After the first week of class, everything gets easier, and I think the same is true for sugar dating.  Once you’ve met a new sugar daddy a couple of times, you’ll both begin to grow more comfortable, which is when the fun in the relationship can really begin!

Wishing you the best on your sugar adventures, 
