What Sugar Daddies Receive in Return from Relationships

Last Updated: February 7, 2025

What do sugar daddies get in return for their generosity? It’s a common question for newer members of the sugaring community!

If you’ve been wondering what draws people to this dating style, here are a few of the reasons why someone may be interested in becoming a sugar daddy!

Engaging conversation

Even though it may seem implausible to those outside of the community, conversation is a huge part of sugaring! In particular, a sugar daddy may benefit from the following positive aspects of having a partner to talk to:

  • The chance to get to know a different worldview. Sugar daddies and babies tend to come from different walks of life, which can make their conversations lively and engaging!
  • A neutral listening ear for personal challenges. A sugar daddy may not feel comfortable talking about their emotions with friends, family members, or colleagues. So, having a confidant outside of their social circle can be a huge benefit to their mental health.
  • Someone to talk through work problems. Sugar daddies tend to be high-powered business people who are constantly thinking through work problems. It can be helpful for them to have a sounding board outside of the company with whom they can talk through possible solutions and decision-making processes.
  • The self-confidence boost of a flirty conversation. Conversations with a sugar baby can be fun, exciting, and flirtatious! According to studies, flirting is a good way to reduce stress and enjoy an increase in self-esteem and positive self-image.


Although sugar daddies can be of any age or income level, many of them fall into a portion of the population (men over 60) that is at high risk for loneliness. As such, having a dedicated, reliable sugar baby can be an important way for them to feel connected and valued.

Companionship can take many forms in a sugar relationship, including in-person dates, physical intimacy, mentorship meetings, shared workouts, and more.

Pressure-free relationships


Sugar daddies are often businesspeople with a full schedule and demanding lifestyle. They may have tried married life or dating only to find that the pressures of traditional romance don’t align with their personal desires or emotional and practical capacity. As such, they may appreciate that in a sugar relationship:

· There’s no need for the responsibilities of a romantic relationship. Things like anniversaries, conversations about the future, vulnerability, and other typical elements of a romantic relationship are not required in a sugar arrangement, which can feel freeing.

· They can enjoy emotional distance, if desired. Sugar daddies who do not want to engage in an emotional connection with their partner can put certain boundaries in place to help them maintain distance.

· There’s no expectation to merge families or social groups. Sugar partners typically don’t meet each other’s family or friends, unless both agree to that as part of the arrangement. This can take away a potentially stressful part of the relationship, in which the partner feels pressured to make a good impression.

· Expectations are clearly stated. Romantic relationships include a slow, often unspoken negotiation process in which both partners reveal what they want out of the relationship and how they will build a future together. But in a sugar relationship, these expectations and desires are clearly stated early on to cut down on confusion. Many sugar daddies enjoy that there are no dating games or misunderstandings in sugar relationships, because everything is laid out on the table from the beginning.

A plus-one to important events

Whether they’re attending a charity gala, work mixer, or family gathering, many sugar daddies enjoy the support of having a plus-one. Their sugar baby can play an important role in these settings, including:

  • Emotional support. If their partner is going to be making a speech or interacting with difficult family members, a sugar baby can provide emotional support with their presence or with pep talks. They can also act as a buffer.
  • Giving their sugar daddy someone to talk to. Many work events can have moments of downtime, which is when a sugar baby can fill in the gaps to make the evening more enjoyable.
  • Acting as a bridge between their sugar daddy and other people at the event. A sugar baby can play an important role in networking, especially if they’re social enough to make connections themselves.
  • Social recognition. We’ll touch more on this later, but showing up to parties, events, and family gatherings with a plus-one can be pro for anyone looking to boost their social status.

Someone to help them with their sense of style

Sugar daddies often enjoy when their partner is able to help them elevate their sense of style. Whether this includes going on shopping sprees together, allowing their sugar baby to make purchases on their behalf, or simply helping them get ready for work, sugar daddies who want to look their best will choose a partner who is fashion-conscious.

A travel partner


What do sugar daddies get in return for providing their partner with an all-expense paid vacation? Simply put: a travel partner! Traveling with another person can make the experience more enjoyable, memorable, and in some cases, financially sensible. Indeed, there are a variety of travel situations which are better with a partner, including:

  • Road trips. A sugar daddy who is visiting family or friends or traveling to another city or state for work will benefit from sharing the ride with another person. Their sugar baby can help the time go by with conversation and help to keep them focused and awake while driving long hours or at night.
  • International vacations. A sugar daddy may want to organize a romantic, relaxing vacation abroad with a special someone. Many resorts around the world have packages designed for couples or simply be more enjoyable with another person.
  • Work trips. Sugar daddies who travel often for work may grow tired of how lonely life on the road can be. Having a partner to keep them company between meetings and conferences can be a good way to rest and recharge.

Sugar daddies don’t always travel with a sugar partner but may meet someone who lives in their destination city. For example, they may organize a date with a sugar baby in the location where they’re traveling for work so that they can enjoy the company of a local.

Recognition from their peers

Social recognition is a compelling answer to the question of what sugar daddies get in return for their generosity. That’s because there are many career fields, family dynamics, and social settings in which having a partner can boost a person’s status.

Here are a few examples of how a sugar baby can help their partner, socially:

  • Pressure from peers to “settle down.” Someone who is tired of hearing their colleagues, friends, or family members ask, “So when are you going to find/marry someone,” may want to bring a date to social gatherings to settle curiosity and avoid uncomfortable conversations.
  • Events in which having a plus-one is expected. A sugar daddy may not be invited to attend certain social settings, such as dinner parties or double dates, if they don’t have a plus one.
  • Career advancement opportunities that hinge on appearances. People in the public eye may be especially likely to choose a partner who can create the kind of image that their fans or business partners expect.

The opportunity to be a mentor

Mentorship can be a fulfilling part of a sugaring relationship, and is often the basis of platonic arrangements. This is because many people who are successful in their career or personal life gain satisfaction from helping others on their journey towards achieving their own goals.

Mentorship can also offer a sugar daddy the chance to shape the next generation of professionals or change-makers. If they’re interested in having an impact on the future, coaching is an obvious choice.

Thoughtful gifts

People are often surprised to learn that sugar babies aren’t usually the only ones in the relationship to receive gifts! A caring sugar baby may also give their partner physical gifts, book them massages, or cook them dinner to show their appreciation. This, of course, can make a sugar daddy feel wanted and valued.

So, what do sugar daddies get in return? There are so many possibilities!

As you can see, the range of benefits that a sugar daddy can receive in a relationship are more varied and nuanced than many would expect. Most people assume that sugar daddies are in it for physical intimacy, but there are so many more benefits, from engaging in conversation to companionship to networking opportunities and more.

Were you surprised by some of the answers to the common question, “What do sugar daddies get in return?”