What Type of Photos Gets Women's Attention?

Last Updated: February 7, 2025

It’s me, Herb Rose.

I’m always asked via email about what it takes to create the best Secret Benefits profile – The one that will attract the ladies that you’re after. And believe me, I am happy to help.

Today, I want to talk about photos.  Your photos, and especially your main profile photo, are really your first impression.  A bad one can get you skipped when ladies are casually browsing through the list of profiles, and a good one can get you hip-deep in ladies of every stripe before you can blink.  But that’s true of any dating website, not just sugar dating sites.  Hey, if you’re young, rich, single, and extremely photogenic, then the world is your oyster anyway, welcome to the site, and you should be able to navigate it the same way you’re able to navigate life.  Have fun.

But if you’re not all of those things, (or even ANY of them), there are still ways to get noticed, and emphasize your best points, so that you can find the arrangement that you’re looking for.  So here are a few tips for putting your best face forward:

  • If you’re wealthy: Don’t just take a picture of all of your nice possessions.  I know you want to show that you have the goods, but even in the sugar daddy world, a little goes a long way.  Nobody likes a showoff.  If can even come off as suspicious.  So, maybe include photos of yourself in exotic locales, which of course implies your wealth, without overtly stating it.  Don’t pose next to your Maserati.  Instead, try to get a picture of you holding up a cocktail, in a way that reveals you have a nice watch on your wrist.  Believe me, she'll notice
  •  If you’re on the older side: Don’t try to make yourself look younger.  Include current photos of yourself, so she knows what she’s getting, and can make an informed decision.  Remember, that age is not necessarily a factor to sugar babies.  Honesty certainly is, though.
  • If you’re not exactly, entirely single, if you know what I mean: If you don’t want your photo out there where it can be seen by just anybody, including but not limited to a friend or family member who may then tell your wife or girlfriend about it, no problem.  Simply take a picture of your best feature, and crop out everything else (I happen to think that the “blurring of the face” technique used by some people makes you look more suspicious, like a criminal on the news, but that’s just me).  Make this detailed photograph (of your eyes, your smile, your pecs – remembering that dick pics are not accepted, so leave those out) your profile picture.  It’s there to tease, or generate interest.  Then, be sure to include full pictures of yourself in as many angles as you like, and make those Private.  Your anonymity is secure, but interested parties can request to see the real you, and you can assess who they are before you reveal yourself completely.
  • If you don’t consider yourself good-looking: Remember that sugar babies aren’t as interested in your looks as the girls on dating sites.  They want to know that you’re real, that you’re safe, and that you can meet their needs. So bite the bullet and just take a picture, at least to prove that you have a face.  Don’t make it like a mugshot – Even the unattractive, or those lacking self-confidence can always make themselves look better by doing a simple thing: Smile!  After all, you’re here to have fun, right?


Herb Rose